Saturday, March 26, 2011

Classic Beauty

Beauty is subjective. I think in order to have true beauty, some of your beauty must come from within. Beauty does not have to be over the top. I think it is simple. Beauty is being yourself and loving who you are. Beauty does not have to appearance, although I think a lot of people classify it that way.

Here are some of the women I think are classic beauties of the past.

Ginger Rogers: 1911 -1995
She became most famous for dancing with Fred Astaire.
I have not seen any of her movies but it is on my to do list.

Shirley Temple: 1928 - Present
When I was younger I was absolutely obsessed with Shirley Temple.
I own many of her movies on VHS and I can remember singing along to them.
I still picture her as the cute little tot who sang about animal crackers.

Marisa Berenson: 1947 - Present
I had never heard of her before watching the movie Cabaret.
While watching the movie I noticed how pretty her eyes were.

Elizabeth Taylor: 1932 - 2011
She was an fashion icon. Her love of jewelry is known by many.
She was married many many times. And she was gorgeous.
