Even though I'm 21 years old I still have a major love and obsession for everything Disney. My sister and I play Disney Scene-it all the time which is a lot of fun. I would love if there were major competitions for it. :) I am by no means a Disney expert (though I would like to think that I know a fair amount) there are still many of the classic Disney movies that I have never seen, like Song of the South, and new movies that I want to still see (Tangled). Recently I rewatched 101 Dalmatians & The Rescuers and I realized how sad both of these movies actually are. Sure when you're little Madame Medusa and Cruella De Vil are both scary villains, but seeing them as an adult opened my eyes to what I did not see as a child. The Hunchback of Notre Dame's villain, Claude Frollo, is also very frightening; not only did he consider drowning Quasimodo as a baby because of his hideous features, but he was the cause of Quasi's mother's death. But, kidnapping and skinning dogs are not exactly happy thoughts either. Disney movies usually end in a way that leaves the villain defeated and the underdog victorious. Let's face it, if Phillip hadn't killed Maleficent or if Eric hadn't rammed into Ursula with his ship, then Disney would be showing us how evil prevails and not how love conquers all. Of course Disney isn't like real life.

L: Cruella De Vil
T: Claude Frollo
R: Madame Medusa
T: Claude Frollo
R: Madame Medusa
FredFlare.com has some cute Disney Couture jewelry
that is reminiscent of movies from my childhood.
1. "One Bite" Apple Ring
From Snow White

that is reminiscent of movies from my childhood.
1. "One Bite" Apple Ring
From Snow White

2. Drink Me Necklace
From Alice in Wonderland

3. Shark Bracelet
From the Little Mermaid
From Alice in Wonderland

3. Shark Bracelet
From the Little Mermaid

I am also obsessed with Disney songs. I have been known to burst into Disney songs at random, and I have quite a few on my itunes. My favorite Disney princess is Ariel so here is a cover from Traci Hines of Part of Your World. She has a ton of Disney princess covers on youtube, her user name is TraciHines.
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