So yesterday I did not have the day off but we did go in 2 hours late which was very nice. It gave me a chance to cook a nice breakfast for Dan and I and to also straighten my hair. [something that does not happen often] I decided since I only had a 4 hour work day I would wear some heels since my options for flats are becoming limited, or so I think, I haven't actually counted. This whole challenge is a guess. Anywho, I wore rain boots there and changed at work because there was no way I was trekking through the snow and ice in heels. These heels I found at a thrift store but I know they are a target brand, and I can't fully remember but I'm pretty sure they still had their new tags on them. I have worn these a lot and I really like how they give my feet an elvish look. The suede is getting kind of ruined though :/
I wore my flats today without first wearing rain boots to work. I was pretty brave to do this because there is still a decent amount of snow on the ground. By the time I got in the building at work, my feet felt as though I had walked barefoot across the snow that's how cold they were. But I digress. These spikey beauties I found when I was once again browsing at work (hopefully no one I work with reads this..) I loved them instantly. I still like them but I did have an incident of tripping over myself and kicking myself in the ankle which caused one of the spikes to gauge a piece of my skin off and bleed, so ever since then I've been more cautious when wearing these. When you buy shoes with spikes I guess that's just a risk you are willing to take.
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