I cannot believe how quickly this year is going by. So much has already happened in 2012 for me. I find it unreal that in 6 days, Daniel and I will already have been married for half a year! I am so blessed that I was able to marry my best friend this year. I love exploring life with him and figuring out the future as we go along. We have already moved twice this year, our first little apartment was only our home for three and a half months before we moved across the state line to our third floor apartment in PA. I am enjoying this place a lot more because we have more space and more windows to let in the beautiful sunshine. I am enjoying my new journey as a wife and I am so happy to have Daniel by my side. He is working so hard in school to be able to work as a physician assistant in 2 years and I am honored to stand by his side and support him during this time. I saw my sister graduate from high school and now get to hear her stories from college, this seems completely unreal to me because it seems like just yesterday we were playing playmobile and making leaf houses in the backyard. It is very hard to be separated from family and friends, even though the distance is not far, not seeing them daily is a reminder that I am growing (grown?) up. Next weekend I have the honor of being in my college roommate's wedding. I am very excited about this because weddings are a fun time of celebrating the couple and their new endeavor of exploring life together on their own. And having an opportunity to be in someone's wedding is such a privilege and I am very glad to be a part of the big day. I am looking forward to the holidays and starting my own traditions, I can't wait to decorate for Christmas and bake lots of pies for Thanksgiving. I want Daniel and I to enjoy these holidays both on our own and with our families. I think there is importance in both aspects. I am also eagerly awaiting the holiday season so that I can host my first game night in my own place! Game night has been a tradition of mine for the past few years and I love getting my friends together to enjoy a night of good food and funny games. I am very excited to see how these last 3 months of 2012 unfold :)
aw i totally loved this! miss you and our leaf forts!