Sunday, October 28, 2012

Waiting for the Rain

Hurricane Sandy is the impending doom that is coming towards us. Or so everyone thinks. Storms are always over hyped and people naturally freak out and go bananas. All the empty shelves at Target that once held bottled water are proof of how much people go crazy. I wouldn't say I overreact like some, but I was definitely beginning to get a little nervous about this storm. It was giving me some anxiety. Daniel had went out to the store yesterday to get essentials (bottled water and toilet paper, wouldn't wanna be without those) And today we started talking about what we could eat if we lose power. Daniel thinks that power loss is expected and that we should treat the situation as such. So we went back to our local Target and bought some more essentials. Like a jumbo sized container of peanut butter and nutella. We also have 2 loaves of bread and a lot of cereal choices, trail mix, breakfast wafers, and applesauce. If we do lose power, we'll have some odd meals the next few days, but we'll survive. I guess one reason this is hard(er) for me is it's the first major natural disaster that I have faced away from my family. And I am just feeling a little homesick for them right now. I know they have everything they need to survive so I wouldn't mind crashing there and having them take care of me too. Daniel and I will both be off tomorrow, his school was cancelled for the next 2 days and my first day of orientation at the new job was moved til Thursday. It's definitely a relief to know that if the weather is bad, neither of us have to travel out into it. We moved all of our storage unit items in the basement on top of our plastic totes so that hopefully nothing gets wet and ruined (ac units). So now I'm just waiting.  Wondering when this beastly storm will hit and how badly we will be affected. I need to keep reminding myself that my God is bigger than any storm and he is fully and 100% in control of this situation. In the meantime, I'm watching Gilmore Girls (which makes me miss my sister) and snacking a lot, which is bad news and I need to stop so I don't eat through our emergency food! So far not a drop of moisture, just ominous dark clouds waiting for the right moment to unleash their fury. The pastor at a church we visited today said that Hurricane Sandy was too nice of a name. It should be named Hurricane Thor. I'm just praying that it's not as bad as they say it should be.


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