Saturday, January 18, 2014

Days 5 & 6

Yesterday I wore a pair of flats that I bought after I started working at the bank and no longer wanted to wear the one pair of comfy sensible heels I had purchased just for the start of that job. So these flats were a Kohl's find, they were on clearance and I purchased them while I was at work (the internet is a bad tempting thing on the job). Once I broke them in they were much more comfortable. And is it me, or are heels sometimes more comfortable than certain flats? I have some flats that feel like knives cutting into my foot right below my big toe. I'm sure that's not good.

These flats go with most outfits but sometimes the gold buckles throw me off and I feel like they won't match. But I still love them!

Now onto today, I wore my uggs to work today which isn't necessarily allowed but I feel as though Saturdays are a bit more flexible with the dress code (at least I make it more flexible for me). I went through a stage where I thought uggs were ugly and dumb (but I still had knock off ones) and then I went through a stage where I had to have them and so that is how I became the owner of these frequently worn winter time boots. I bought these with my hard earned, saved up cash. I was so excited when I walked into Nordstrom (Ha! All my shoes aren't from Kohl's or Target) and picked out my Big Kid sized uggs (That's right I got the kids ones because their size 5 is the same as a woman's size 7 and they used to be waaay cheaper but I think Ugg has caught on because now they are still a little less expensive but not by near as much anymore).

My Ugg boots are my go to shoe in the winter time. They keep my feet so warm and snuggly. The only downside is I have the tendency of wearing them when it all of a sudden starts raining and I get worried that they will be ruined :( I wish they were waterproof (I put stuff on them to protect the suede but I still get nervous about it).


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